Load Control

Manage your risk of energy price spikes

Electricity prices can spike more than 10,000% during peak times. Are you managing your risk? If not, industrial customers can be hit with massive charges. In addition to the amount of energy used, industrial facilities may need to consider:

  • Price spikes
  • Demand charges
  • Coincident Peak / 4CP charges
  • Demand response

Let our energy experts guide you through your bill and your options. We offer a holistic approach to load management that lets you start where you want and offload as much of the complexity as you’d like. We can even integrate with legacy control systems to automate your load control.

Two charts showing large spikes in ERCOT electricity spot prices

Have your entire team in lock step
to maximize your automated 4CP savings

Tires entering pre-shredder at Genan's Houston tire recycling facility

Houston Tire Recycler Dodges Energy Inflation

Genan saves $100k+ in less than 4 months by automating their response to electricity prices.

Texas Locational Marginal Pricing chart

Hot Texas Summer

You already know Texas electricity prices can spike dramatically. Are you ready for a record-breaking summer?

Facility real-time demand chart

Automated Demand Response Case Study

Learn how one facility gets paid to provide load flexibility to the grid, with just a simple text message approval.

Avoid price spikes

  • Know when price spikes are coming*
  • Understand when it makes sense to curtail
  • Automate various load shedding scenarios

*For day-ahead and real-time electric customers

Avoid coincident peak (4CP) and demand charges

  • Understand how demand charges impact your bill
  • Predict Coincident Peak periods
  • Automate peak shaving and Coincident Peak / 4CP load shedding

Demand charges range from 30-70% of a typical industrial energy bill!

Automate demand response

  • Understand which DR programs make sense for your operation
  • Simplify DR calls from multiple aggregators
  • Automate curtailment scenarios and shutdown sequences

Turn your facility into a giant battery – and get paid!

Manage your risk of energy price spikes