Our Successes

New levels of insight

Our goal is to enable companies to gain new levels of insight into their business processes and energy intensity, and then take those insights to optimize and transform for a sustained competitive advantage. We are proud of our successes in working with a range of factories and industrial facilities around the world. We’ve even attracted investments from Clean Energy Ventures, ENGIE (one of the largest utilities on the planet) and more.

ndustrial helps processing plants
ndustrial provides energy management systems
ndustrial helps digitally optimize warehouses

Understanding your challenges

Before we wrote any code or developed any algorithms, we implemented projects across multiple factories to understand how they operated, how they consumed software, how they made financial decisions, and how they viewed the future. We felt it was our job to truly understand your job. Only then could we begin to help you with your industrial optimization projects.

Halftone Wave Pattern

Delivering energy intelligence

From cold storage to biofuels, from automotive to retail, we have worked with a variety of industrial models and have seen first-hand the unique challenges they face. No matter what kind of data you’re gathering or what product or service you’re delivering, we can apply our knowledge and understanding to help you make impactful decisions to improve production costs, achieve energy intelligence, and enhance your bottom line.

“The Industrial Awakening will generate $14.2 trillion of global output by 2030.”

-World Economic Forum

Halftone Pattern

Here are ways we’ve helped our customers:

  • Baselined with operational context
  • Developed production-normalized KPIs
  • Optimized production timing
  • Tracked temperatures and provided temperature efficiencies
  • Increased yields
  • Optimized production process
  • Developed energy utilization strategies
  • Industrialized algorithms to run predictably across facilities
  • Modeled and tested multiple scenarios prior to implementation
Meat Processing
Manufacturing Line
Manufacturing line
Diaper Manufacturing Line

Lineage Logistics Spotlight

Reducing energy intensity

Find out how Lineage, the world’s leading cold storage company, has been able to reduce energy intensity across its business through its work with Ndustrial.

Monetizing energy management

Ndustrial helps Lineage Logistics monetize energy management with industry’s first smart demand response solution.

Ndustrial & Lineage Webinar

The pressure to minimize waste and maximize energy savings has never been greater. Your entire supply chain depends on critical, energy-intensive operations and processes to drive profitability and sustainability.

This case study discussion detailing how Lineage is now using nearly one-third less electricity to process and store each pound of food in their warehouses. Achieving these results requires:

  • Merging energy data with production data
  • Integrating with legacy IT and OT systems
  • Doing it all in real-time