Products & Services

Our competitive advantage

We deliver an open platform that enables companies across multiple industries to digitally transform and gain a new level of insight into their business for a sustained competitive advantage.

Our software solution is comprised of Contxt™, a scalable, real-time industrial platform that serves as the code data engine, and Nsight™, our data integration and intelligent insights application. Along the way, we provide extensive service and support.

Screenshot of Nsight Energy Intensity dashboard

Ndustrial Nsight

The Nsight™ Energy Intensity Platform is the centerpiece of a holistic energy management approach for industry. Understand and visualize portfolio-level energy performance, and drill down all the way to the equipment level to identify and root out waste. Create a culture of Energy Intelligence™ across the organization by normalizing disparate energy and production data sources in real time.

Cost of energy

Leverage the most sophisticated industrial rate tariff engine on the market to help you optimize your energy spend.

Energy intensity

Our energy management system (EMS) is the only fully automated production-normalized system to drive more efficiency in your processes and facility.

Demand management

Turn your fleet of sites into virtual power plants (VPPs) or the dispatch signal intermediary between energy markets and internal meter systems for load flexibility and demand response.

Ndustrial Contxt

At the foundation of our software solution is Contxt, our scalable data management engine for industrial optimization. Contxt is built on the foundation of our industry-leading ETLT technology that enables sub-15-second data availability to any transaction that has happened across a variety of disparate data sources. Contxt allows developers to create a real-time digital twin that can deliver live data to all the applications and optimizations or any analysis across the organization, enabling meaningful business impact. With data that enables lightning-fast reaction times from any app, this is not your grandfather’s static, stand-alone digital twin.

Data ingestion

Capture, transform and organize your digital twin in real-time (sub-15 seconds data availability) with autonomous optimizations.

Data consolidation

Build a portfolio of applications quickly with a central source of data truth across disparate data and systems.

Automated applications

Deploy, authenticate and maintain model-predictive machine learning and AI-based applications.

Ndustrial services

We liken ourselves to digital sherpas: our software and field engineers are experts at data optimization and help prepare the route, establish the infrastructure, provide the necessary equipment, tailor the experience, and provide hands-on implementation support. We tackle a variety of needs to bind our platform and applications to your optimizations.

Data integrations
We help you connect to antiquated legacy systems or brand-new system technology with ease.

Software development
Our world-class solution architects, engineers and designers help you turn optimization insights into production-grade applications to scale across all your facilities.

Edge integrations
Our field services team will connect edge gateways and manage the installation of new lot assets.

Energy services
From energy audits and certifications to analysis, our team can help you drive impact.